Monday, 23 November 2015

I don´t admire any sociologist especially. I think that to admire someone in academia is not subject to critique. However, I like a lot of sociologist very much. One of them is Nicos Poulantzas. He was a Greek-French Marxist political sociologist born on 21st September 1936 and died on 3rd October 1979. He studied Law in Greece and moved to France to study a doctorate in philosophy of law. From 1968 until his dead, he taught sociology at the University Paris VIII. Poulantzas was married with Annie Laclerc and had one daughter. He killed himself in 1979 by jumping from a ledge.
Poulantzas contributed to Marxist theory of State and classes. From structuralism and his reading of Gramsci, he included political and ideological elements to define classes. His major works are Political Power and Social Classes (1968) Fascism and Dictatorship: The Third International and the Problem of Fascism (1974), Classes in Contemporary Capitalism (1975), The Crisis of the Dictatorships: Portugal, Greece, Spain (1976) and State, Power, Socialism (1978).

I like Poulantzas very much because of his contribution to analysis of classes which allows to understand classes in a more complete form.